Friday, October 4, 2013

I Love October!!

Here in N. Central Texas, we are not really feeling "crisp" air, like some of our Northern neighbors are telling me. Today is warm (in the 90s) but we've been promised a cold front that will chill us down to the 70s!

I hear you snickering out there. The 70s is still warm to you Yankees, but for us in Dallas-Fort Worth, that temperature is a welcome relief from the 100s and high 90s we've been living with for the past few months.

I ran some errands this morning, and the air felt different. Not exactly cooler, yet, it was still 80-something but the air itself was charged with Promise. A Promise that fall will arrive soon, and we can turn off our air conditioners, at least at night. A Promise that shows in the scuttling clouds heralding a terrific cold front on its way. A Promise that Halloween will be cool enough so kids might require a sweater.or at least, the adults who are accompanying the  little ghosts and goblins will need them.

The Promise that we can expect a full month of dry, sunny days, and cool nights. We can get back into our parked cars and not feel par-broiled when we run our errands in the local mall.

Folks who live in states that don't have such a wild variance of weather conditions "don't get it" when we speak of heat, humidity, rain, tornadoes and dust storms, all in the same month.

October is the month that obeys us Texans' wishes: One whole month of decent weather, where you might require a light jacket in the evening, or at least, you don't complain about how your jeans are too hot now, but comfortable at last.

We can begin thinking about Thanksgiving, looming over the horizon. Christmas doesn't seem so far off, now. While folks in the northern climes may do spring cleaning, folks here in this are are more prone to have "fall cleaning"-- we don't faint from the heat confined to an open garage where we're displaying our wares we'd rather not live with any more. We gather in the front yards and chat with our neighbors more in October. Summer was too darn hot to be sociable at any hour; October lends itself to more civility within our environs.

When I hear the news of a cold front on its way, I'll be the first to be standing on my front porch, arms wide open, to welcome its arrival.

Oh, the weatherman on television just announced the arrival of a cold front.

Excuse me while I go celebrate.....


  1. Nice post Marilyn. October is my favorite too. If you're lucky, it'll last a while.

  2. October up here in Canada is beautiful for the first half of the month - the leaves change colours and it is spectacular. Then one night a frost will hit and the next day it will rain leaves and then it just a waiting period for snow.
    I love May - it means winter is over and the miserable part of spring is over (the part where it doesn't know whether it is winter or spring) and there is a promise of summer in the air.

  3. It is very different in Michigan. We get everything this month from warm summer days to snow. We've always held our breath for Halloween because the children have to wear a snowsuit under their costume. :(

    I love June. School is getting out and vacations are starting. The summer time is just around the corner and we get long days filled with sunshine!

  4. We're still warm here in Virginia, but a few days ago i traveled to the Poconos up in PA and the leaves had already turned and it was cool! I come back home and it's back to summer, lol. But just think I get to see 2 falls!
