Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Non-Fiction Books -- about having upus and being a Military Brat

"Write what you know," that adage goes. And I know intimately two things: Lupus and being a Military Brat.
My lupus book is titled, The Cards We're Dealt, and the Joker is Lupus. This book grew out of my experiences shared with other "Lupies" who belong to a yahoo group of that name. We support each other, learn that we can vent online as nowhere else, and above all, gain information from each other's seemingly innocuous symptoms that the rheumatologists fail to tell us. In all fairness, each case of lupus is different from the next, so there is no "One size fits all" treatment. '

The Cards We're Dealt...: And the Joker is Lupus by Marilyn Celeste Morris (Nov 6, 2013)

·                            $8.99 Paperback 
·                             $4.99 Kindle Edition

 My other non-fiction book is all about being a Military Brat.
Once a Brat, Always a Brat has been called by Dennis Campbell of "A field manual for understanding Military Brats."
The first portion of the book relates my "brat story," which is part travelogue and part therapy session. From my birth in 1938 to my father's retirement in 1958, I traversed the globe, from Asia to Europe, with stops in between in various "forts": Fort Sam Houston, Fort Sill, OK, Fort Hood, TX, and Fort Bratt, NC. Ironically, I now live in another "fort" -- Fort Worth, TX.

Once a Brat, Always a Brat   $.12.50



  1. Thank you for sharing your books. Do you think that Brats are also unique? My sister's kids are living that life and I was shocked to understand that friendships were challenging because people leave all the time.

  2. I can't even imagine being uprooted over and over. That happened to me once and made me more of an introvert than I already was. With my RA being such a presence in my life, I appreciate your attitude, Marilyn.
